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Mock Interview: Importance, Purpose, Types & Techniques

Mock Interview: Importance, Purpose, Types & Techniques

Mock Interview: Importance, Purpose, Types & Techniques

Interviews are an opportunity for candidates to showcase their skills to their potential employers. On the other hand, interviews allow employers to evaluate and ague the skills and capabilities of candidates appearing for the interviews. However, it may be difficult and a daunting task for many candidates. 

Practice interviews allow these candidates to practice their interview sessions beforehand. As a result, it allows them to improve their responses and gestures. Thus allowing them to participate in an efficient interview. 

In this article, we will explore what are the purposes of mock interviews and how it can help you in your interviews. The article will also provide you with the different types of practice interviews and what are the benefits of these types of interviews.

Also, read our article on How To Choose The Best Career Coach

Importance Of Mock Interview

Mock interviews are an excellent way to prepare for an actual job interview. They provide a simulated interview experience that allows individuals to practice answering common interview questions, gain confidence, and receive feedback on their performance.

Preparing for a job interview can be stressful, and the pressure to make a good impression can be overwhelming. Mock interviews provide an opportunity to ease some of that stress by giving individuals a chance to practice their interview skills in a safe and supportive environment. This allows them to identify areas where they need improvement and gain valuable insights on how to present themselves in the best possible light.

One of the greatest benefits of mock interviews is that they help individuals to become more confident in their abilities. Confidence is a critical factor in job interviews, and mock interviews can help individuals to build this confidence by providing a chance to practice their responses, improve their communication skills, and gain feedback on their overall performance.

Mock interviews also provide individuals with an opportunity to receive constructive feedback from experienced interviewers. This feedback can help individuals to identify areas where they need to improve and give them a better understanding of what employers are looking for in a candidate.

In conclusion, mock interviews are an essential tool for anyone who is preparing for a job interview. They help individuals to build confidence, practice their interview skills, receive feedback, and ultimately increase their chances of success in the real interview.

What Is The Purpose Of Mock Interview?

In essence, mock interviews are just practice interviews that you can perform at your time and place. This is an emulation of a real interview environment that allows you to get a feel of the real interview process. It gives you the opportunity to evaluate your own responses and get a feedback on how well you are able to perform in an interview. 

Mock interviews are essential for those individuals that have not participated in an interview for very long. Additionally, it can also benefit individuals that are looking to change their careers or even fresher candidates. 

Since the purpose of an interview is to judge the capability of a person. However, the procedure and the processes for conducting these interviews may vary from industry to industry and from employer to employer. This is because an interview process for a logistics manager will be complete;y different to a service-quality manager. Hence, choosing the correct practice interview process is crucial if you are to land your dream job in the industry you want. 


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Benefit Of Mock Interview

The following are some of the benefits that you can expect if you are participating in these interviews: 

1. Reduce Stress: One of the ways that mock interviews can benefit you is by reducing your stress. Since these are practice interviews, your responses will not be evaluated by any interviewer or employer. Instead, in this situation you are your examiner. This allows you to be free and e yourself. Additionally, by evaluating your answers you no longer have to worry about the responses from the interviewer or an employer. This allows you to be free of any stress and anxiety. 

You can also read our blog on Proven Ways To Calm Your Job Interview Nerves

2. Boost Confidence: Mock interviews give you the opportunity to practice with yourself. It allows you to frame your own question and provide responses to them accordingly. Since, it is practice, the more you will be participating in these mock sessions, the more you are likely to improve. Practicing to answer difficult interview questions, allows you to be prepared for the real interview. You will grow more assured as you practice more. Hence, being confident is also likely to increase your chances of getting selected during the interview. This is because employers prefer candidates that are more confident and are able to perform without any hesitations. 

3. Constructive Feedback: The major benefit of conducting mock interviews for yourself is that you will be able to receive feedbacks that are going to help you to improve your interview skills. Participating in these interviews enables you to review suggestions and recommendations from industry experts and professionals. This feedback will hence enable you to improve your responses to the employer. Furthermore, feedbacks also reveal minute details that you may not be able to notice otherwise. For instance, you may not be aware of the dress and make-up that you are wearing for the interview. An interview expert will be able to help you to identify these issues in your interviews and as a result, will allow you to improve yourself. 

4. Learning about the company: Participating in mock interviews also gives you the opportunity to prepare yourself for the mission and vision statement of the company. During this mock session, you will have to research the company giving you the ability to develop an understanding of the employer and the company to which you have applied. This eventually will enable you to provide your responses in terms of what the company is looking for. Thereby increasing your chances of selection. 

You can check out our blog on How To research your company before the interview?

What Are The Techniques Of Mock Interview

There are several techniques that are available to you for conducting your own mock sessions. However, it is important to keep in mind that you will need a third person to judge your responses and answers. 

One such technique of conducting a mock interview is by hiring third-party companies and HR organizations. These professional counselors can conduct these mock sessions in more than one way. The interviewer may ask predetermined structured questions. This is a comparative technique that allows the counselor to compare your responses to ideal responses of the industry. 

Another technique for conducting a mock session is for the counselor and the interview expert to conduct a behavioral-based mock session. The interviewer will judge your responses on the basis of previous experiences and activities.

However, it is not always possible for you to hire external third-party organizations. In this case, we recommend that you seek help from a friend or a family member. As you would with a professional expert, you need to conduct a practice interview with this person. Just as you would appear for a real interview, we recommend that you approach the mock session with your family member in a similar way. Remember this is a practice interview, therefore the more you will practice the better you will get overtime. 

Another technique that you can opt for conducting your mock interview, is online video interviews. Online practice programs have various resources and tools that you can utilize to conduct a practice interview for yourself. 

Practice interview systems provide users such as yourself with either readable or audio questions. These audio questions are pre-recorded interviews within the application itself. In order to answer these questions you will either have to record your audio through the system. Furthermore, it also enables you to record your audio and video through the software and submit it to professionals for evaluation. 

Online practice interviews are often time restricted. Therefore, you need to keep in mind to keep your answers to be always concise and to the point. You can follow these tools and techniques to conduct an efficient practice interview of yourself. 

Conclusion Mock Interview: Importance, Purpose, Types & Techniques

Mock interviews are practice interview sessions that allow you to evaluate your own interview skills. It allows the candidates to evaluate their responses to common interview questions. It is a practice session that helps in reducing stress and anxiety among job-seekers and candidates. It gives candidates the opportunity to prepare themselves for the operations and activities of a company. 

There are several techniques and methods that you can utilize to conduct your own practice interviews. You can hire a third-party organization to conduct.  the practice interview for yourself. Additionally, you can also use different software applications to perform an online practice interview.

Hope you liked reading this article on Mock Interviews. If you have any questions or queries, you can reach out at

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