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About Us

Story Of

Vanderbilt ID - Todd Luttenegger

While I was attending a top MBA program I did well in my studies however, I only received one internship offer from over a dozen interviews. My confidence was blown, and I had a real fear that I could graduate without a job offer. This fear added to the stress I had over my student loan debt. This challenging situation I was in cause me to focus on interviewing.

I did all the normal things, I asked second year students with jobs how they prepared, I read books, I practices and did mock interviews with other students. There was just so much variability in the interview process it seemed like it was impossible to prepare.

I started thinking about all the job interviews I had, when I was scrambling to find an internship. I began thinking through those interviews and even though I did not receive a job offer I asked myself “what worked?” The overriding theme I kept coming back to was that when ...

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Esther Bobo

Esther Bobo


Esther has over 10 years of experience coaching and mentoring top level executives. She has successfully owned and operated an independent business consulting firm for 5 years while using her expertise to help small businesses and nonprofits grow and expand. She also has over 10 years of experience in talent acquisition for Fortune 500 and Fortune 1000 companies.

Esther has a Bachelor’s in Business Administration, a Master’s in Adult Education, and a PhD in Organizational Leadership from Regent University.

Todd Luttenegger

Todd Luttenegger


Todd has over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur business owner. He is a partner in a successful consulting firm that has top-line consultants engaging in business development activities which have resulted in over a billion dollars in contracts to their clients.

Todd’s professional education includes a Masters in Business Administration from Vanderbilt University, with a focus on Finance and Electronic Commerce. He is also a licensed Certified Public Accountant.

Mark Ryan

Mark Ryan

Mark has over 20 years of experience as an owner of a successful consulting firm having top-line responsibilities for growing client’s businesses. He has developed multiple products that have added tens of millions in value to client’s bottom lines.

Mark is a proud alumnus of the University of Kentucky, School of Engineering, graduating summa cum laude.

About Us

Our Program is Designed to Increase your Interviewing Ability Rapidly

Interview Expert is a proven system that is designed to provide maximum impact learning to interview, in an efficient curriculum. Our system allows individuals seeking professional positions to perform at their peak during behavioral based interviews. While our course does require some study, thought and practice, the results are significant. It will take a beginner or novice interviewer and turn them into in an expert interviewer in a relatively short period of time.


Initial Career Trajectory

Initial Career Trajectory – Interviewing skills are important for obtaining that first internship during college or graduate school, serving as a building block for a position after graduation. Good interviewing skills can lead to a great start to a career at a respected company directly out of college. This initial success sets the graduate’s career trajectory on a higher path leading to much greater responsibility at an earlier age, which then translates into higher compensation throughout one’s career.


Hitting your Career Timetable

Hitting your Career Timetable – Many of the largest companies in America set a timetable for an individual’s career path. If a high performing individual misses a promotion, often times that person cannot meet the timetable to gain the next promotion, and the failure pattern continues. At this point, not leaving the current employer is likely to cost that individual the ability to ever make a move into upper management. Having excellent interview skills keeps all available doors and promotions open, providing an individual with the freedom of career control.


Avoid a Dead-End Job

Avoid a Dead-End Job – Many people stay in a job that has resulted in them coming to the end of the road in regards to their personal, professional and financial development. Often the individual will remain in these jobs due to the anxiety they have about interviewing. The only way to overcome this apprehension to leave a dead-end job is to have the confidence that comes with a successful interview game plan.


Keep Your Options Open

Keep Your Options Open - Some people want out of their current position, but because of their poor interviewing skills cannot obtain better employment. Often their managers take advantage of this by giving less mobile employees lower and less frequent raises.

For these reasons, Todd Luttenegger and Mark Ryan put together this system to give people the ability to confidently enter an interview ready to give their true peak performance.

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