This package helps to build loyalty, ensuring employee retention of your top performers. Ideal for large organizations wanting to facilitate the ability for their current staff to make upward moves by filling high ranking positions. This is key in building trust and loyalty, increase employee retention, and in most cases places the best person in the position.
Internal employees are often placed at a disadvantage when competing against external employees as internal staff are not actively on the job hunt and haven’t adequately prepared for when that promotion, they’ve been waiting for becomes available. Therefore, they are not dedicating the time to thinking about responses to interview questions and in many cases have not been in a live fire interview situation in years. A common attitude that permeates through many internal employees is that my job performance speaks for itself and therefore there is no need for me to sell myself during an interview. This misnomer greatly reduces internal staff interview performance.
Interview Expert allows companies to offer one-on-one interview coaching to their employees, either during or after hours. This training allows your internal staff to present their best self in an interview leveling the playing field against corporate jumpers that are attempting to teach others that the “only way to get ahead is to be constantly jumping companies.”
Feel free to give us a call and we will develop a specialized package for your company.
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CALL: 859-572-4499