Subtraction is our Secret! Through tons and tons of research we reduced thousands of possible Interview Questions down to just 14 Interview Topics.
This number 14 gives us the ability to hyper prepare you for these interview topics using the same answer for many different questions.
Stories are impactful
Stories make your answers real
Stories demonstrate your amazing communication skills
Stories create a bond with the interviewer
We teach you how to add 3-4 desired traits to each of your interview stories. You are now spoon-feeding the interviewer the exact information in which they are grading your responses!
Tinkering: Likes using trial and error to determine a best solution.
Full Access
to our Online Course which builds your personalized answers to the
14 Interview Questions that make up all interviews.
Our time
saving Interview Answer Strategy that keeps you from being
overwhelmed by reducing hundreds of possible questions down to just 14
easily remembered stories.
videos on each of the 14 answer topics that get your primed to learn
each lesson as well as build your answers.
Interview answers so you have samples to know how all your stories
Our story
builder tool asks you questions about your past to help you construct
an outline saving you hours of preparation time.
Traits that
are needed as part of your interview answers, adding the proper
traits turns your “2-3-star” answer into a “5-star” answer!
Tips as part of each lesson will help you increase your interview
knowledge and give you the inside scoop as to what the interviewer is truly looking for
in your answer.
PDF Instant
downloadable workbook, which helps you build your 14 interview
answers and all our expert course material.
At this point you have been through the online training, and
you have created your 14 stories and injected important traits.
Now its time to test and refine your answers with an expert!
Refines Your Interview Skills
Exposes Blind Spots
A Pro
Reconfigures Your Answers
Life Interview Simulation
Increases Confidence
Grades Your Performance
…for example, an Executive’s Greatest Achievement will be more elaborate than someone starting their career, but the core interview question will be similar.